Customers & References

Customer of KLS or FB:

  • Blood banks
  • Stem cell facilities
  • Tissue banks
  • Tumor banks
  • Organ banks
  • DNA probes banks
  • IVF, veterinary banks
  • Green biotechnology: seeds and cells
  • Tissue for drug production in the pharmaceutical industry


Customers of MABAG are mainly hospitals, private storage units (cord blood ), veterinary units, biological research institutes, chemical, biological and pharmaceutical industry. One field of high interest for MABAG is the diabetes application, the most spreading disease in modern societies. Potential customers in that field need to preserve human (so called) Langerhans-islands from pancreas of donors to develop individual next generation diabetes drugs. For this purpose only those pancreas are used for research which officially are declared at Europlant (Leiden, NL) as research units, which cannot be used for clinical transplantations. Additionally pathological pancreas of type II Diabetes are being used for special testing kits.

Another relevant research field of high commercial interest to use cryo storage systems is the (non –autologous) tumor banking in oncology. This highly valuable cryo preserved tissue samples together with the patient data are used for screening of cytostatic agents in the pharmaceutical industry. Those two applications are just examples and can be easily expanded to other comparable samples for the use of FBs. With our system new cryo protective substances (saccharine) and their usability for screening of new therapeutic agents can be efficiently tested.

Countries with KLS in operation:

  • Germany
  • Kuwait
  • New Zealand
  • Russia
  • United States
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